If there were ten things you could do to reduce carbon emissions...
would you do five?
would you do one?


The Do-One Campaign is a global campaign designed to unify the efforts of millions of people working to address the environmental issues we face. 

The resources of our world are finite, not infinite. Do-One is designed to provide simple Do-Able reminders that, when done collectively, will have a tremendous positive impact. 

The simplest, most affordable way to reduce waste and carbon emissions, is to consume less resources. The Do-One films demonstrate, with simple words and visual language, things each of us can do to consume less. These steps, when done individually, are small, but when done globally, are gigantic.

Please join us in this global effort.

Matthew Modine

"Do-One is what I call the 'Smokey the Bear' campaign for the environmental movement. Smokey taught me about individual responsibility and how only we can prevent forest fires. I have created Do One to speak simply and provide effortless, doable goals for people that will immediately reduce waste and consumption. The campaign will feature friends from the motion picture industry, sports legends, politicians, and everyday people, doing one thing that will have a positive impact on our shared environment. 

I thank you for your support and for sharing the films and ideas with your friends."

Matthew Modine

Matthew Modine: Bicycle Champion

Actor Matthew Modine is best known for films like, Full Metal Jacket and Any Given Sunday, but for years he’s also had another important role, environmentalist and bicycle advocate. The 51 year old started the non profit Bicycle For a Day in 2008. The first event in Lower Manhattan drew 14,000 cyclists. Since then, Modine says cycling in the city has gone up 30 percent at times. Modine says he’s passionate about cycling because it’s not only good for the environment it’s good for your health.